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paperback, 373 pages

words & art by mike mahoney, 2019-2020.

written almost entirely during the first year of the recent globe-wide quarantine, Psilosisyphus is the fourth in a series of typewriter scribbles treating the language as an alchemy lab. 


complete with surrealistic illustrations done by the author, this book contains nearly 400 pgs of spontaneous essays, experiments & studies in form, color, drug & melody, altered states of ecstasy, syllabic sonatas & sonic expositions all done at the typewriter at all hours and spaces of day, in all states of mind.


Metaphorically, then, language dreams… the text contains the dream in a mysterious way… at an even deeper level, the text might contain linguistic keys which unlock in certain sensitive readers…the exalted sensation of a metalinguistic apprehension of the inner essence or alchemical efficacy of certain “inspired books.” In effect, the “shower of stars” may be taken as a code–name for this operation. And for anyone who has ever witnessed a good meteor shower, such as the Perseids in august, the metaphor will seem vivid indeed. Just as the night sky spills over in particles of light, so the text spills over, reveals its something more, its surplus of meaning, in a dazzling cascade of visionary insights and spiritual openings.”

-- Peter Lamborn Wilson, “Shower of Stars” Dream & Book

IV. Psilosisyphus

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